Sunday, November 23, 2008

This is from a correspondence with a friend of mine, about the negativities of this television show:


i just meant it as an example of mind control.

you have to really know how the mind functions. Partially i just want to point out parts of how mind control works because Scientology has been accused of "brainwashing" people. which is wholly the opposite of what is true.

obviously, the key ingredient in mind control is to have a "control". the desired behavior or thought or word which one wishes to implant in order to bring about a desired result. The other key ingredient is a level of suffering/pain. Pain comes first, then the control. to explain the control aspect, say someone says (talking) that you should worship and shows you a picture of jesus dying on the cross. In a good state of mind, that shouldn't have much effect on a person aside from a the memory of it. the memory they will always keep with them but its effect is pretty minimal in day to day life. Now, add pain to that. Beat the shit out of them and show them a picture of jesus dying on a cross and tell them to worship it. Now you have a very effective form of mind control/brainwashing. Due to the pain experienced during the event, the person is basically knocked unconscious (even though they may still be partially conscious) and the mind records whatever is happening. in this case the orders to worship or love the church or something. Add to this an order to forget that it happened or an apology or something which makes it appear harmless.

How does this relate to television? What is considered by many people to be a normal level of awareness, is actually more akin to a hypnotic trance. that means that a high level of pain (which includes spiritual suffering) has brought you to a point where you are not totally conscious of the present time environment and it has the effect that things become commands. People literal sit in front of the tv and "relax" into a state of unconsciousness. Then the things they watch not only become memories, they they become commands. Only they don't seem like commands because the mind has to rationalize them in a way that it has to make itself be right. Then, they are not doing this "because they saw this on t.v. and are just acting out what they saw in a cartoon" but the rationalization become "i don't like this person because they have red hair and that gives me a right to beat them to death and its all just a funny joke anyway ha ha."

oh how much easier it would all be if it were just a matter of censorship and free speech and laughs and good times. Unfortunately, its not.

We as humans have been kept in ignorance of ourselves for thousands and thousands of years. All so some fully crazy psychopath can get his kicks eat his meal and pass the time. And we have been stuck imitating this psychopath to our own demise. How much do people destroy just for a single meal?"


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