Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Basic Advanced Guide To Freight Train Riding - Part 1

Modern society needs heroes. Super villains have gone mad. The populace is overcome with woe. Who has the courage to extend the boundaries of life? What love is there for one who refuses comfort? Is the human body meant for the rigors of this kind of travel? Will sedentary life and self satisfying mentalities destroy all of humanity??

The answers are: Jessica, Lots, Yes, and Maybe.

Today there is hope. Today Jessica A. rides hard. Now Jessica will show you how to ride a freight train while staying safe and accomplishing something at the same time.

Here we begin they mystical means....

So Jessica needs a purpose. Jessica needs a purpose and a determination to accomplish her purpose. For the sake of story, let us say that today's purpose for Jessica is the meeting of her boyfriend Don M. Chakra who lives so far away. Distraught and lonely, he is stuck working as a near slave in an ammunition factory in Seattle, North America. Soon it will be his birthday and he will be 29 years old. Old enough to retire and begin fighting crime, feeding old people and having fun with his love, Jessica.

Now Jessica has made a decision. Get there. First, she makes room for what she needs. All of this adds up to her contentment and so she continues on. Those things which she doesn't find useful are left behind.[some things one might need: Water, clothing, sleeping bag, bed roll, food or healthy snacks, simple entertainment or activity.]

So making her way to the hop out spot, which she has done some research to locate [which includes looking at maps and talking to people who know], she reviews what she is not to do, in the context of Patanjalis 1st rung of Yoga.

Yamas. (codes of restraint)
1. Ahimsa: non-violence, non-harming, non-injury.
Be kind to the rails you ride. Jessica doesn't which harm to anyone, so she does not wish harm on the objects she uses either. Don't tag up and graffiti the trains you ride. Don't intentionally leave a mess behind. Don't mess with train operations in any way. Remember, Jessica is just a hitchhiker here. Destroying property rightfully makes people angry. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that one who doesn't have harmful intentions in them when riding doesn't have harm come to them if caught. Such as being let free without charge if arrested. The spirit of the law is to protect. If Jessica doesn't intend harm, then Jessica is not breaking the law. But because the subconscious can force us to act in bad ways perhaps without even realizing they are bad, Jessica likes to remind herself that she isn't going to mess with anything on the train and isn't going to write her name on the container just so someone might see it and think she is cool.

This also means not harming yourself. Bodies are squishy, trains are aloof. Use your senses as best as you can and then remember that they lie too. Don't leave yourself in the path of a train. Stay off the tracks while your walking along thinking about that person want to hurt.

2. Satya: truthfulness, honesty
Jessica doesn't lie. When she lies, she feels it inside and it feels bad. She doesn't like feeling bad so she doesn't lie. Sometimes, to keep people from prying into her privacy too much, she will ask them a question without making it seem like a question. But Jessica first doesn't hurt others, so if telling the truth is going to hurt someone, she doesn't say it.

Do your research before you hop a train. Observe train yards and trains themselves. Find out what kind of trains you can ride and go look at them. Research the places you want to go. Look at maps and pictures. Collect the facts and use them. Jessica says this is a very important step.

3. Asteya: non-stealing, abstention from theft
Don't steal supplies. Jessica knows that things are not free so she doesn't break that agreement to her detriment.

For example: Jessica walks into a store, knowing that the people there wish her not to steal anything, and she walks out with merchandise. And in her mind, she has also walked out with the memory that she has just stole something. It is not really important and will still harm her if she believes herself to be righteous in stealing. Here, the crux of the agreement is that she has some idea of the consequences of her stealing. With the consequences being for herself and for others. This single action has the potential to be built upon. In one way, because her personality is built upon her memories, she can find herself identifying with the memory that she did something bad and therefore is bad. In another way, she will push against her negative action until she finds herself "getting what she deserved". So this haunts her until she "pays for it" or manages to cultivate enough energy in the opposite direction and be free.

4. Brahmacharya: walking in awareness of the highest reality, continence, remembering the divine, practicing the presence of God
Jessica does not see the world as mere objects. She knows there is a higher reality behind the reality of objects. Even her boyfriend, she knows is not a mere body. These trains are manifestations of an energy. One who is focused on the energy of this putrid creation will not accomplish much hopping fright trains. One who is focused on the light of the divine within, will always get where they are going.

5. Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, non-holding through senses, non-greed, non-grasping, non-indulgence, non-acquisitiveness
Now Jessica remembers Aparigraha and is indifferent to the arrival of her train. She sits happily as she can see the train that already left and which is leaving Novice-McCoy as a confused and angry mess and also can see the train which will one day pick her up without greed and without fantasy, but which Novice-McCoy probably won't even get on - he's so ruffled.

End of Part one.

This truly went straight to my heart. Very thoughtprovoking. thank you. See you later. ,brian
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