Sunday, October 19, 2008

You can't fall off the World.

A Medley

You can't fall off the World

My subconcious mind still thinks the Earth is flat.
It looks to the edge and thinks that it will fall off.
Im trying to make it see that it is rounder than that.
If you walked real far you could say you went down but they you see that you'll come up again.

If I could fly I think I'd walk down the street.
Of course it would be in New Dehli, Tibet, Los Angelas or Toronto.
At 3 oclock i would eat lunch and then I would head off to LA so to take a stroll down the block.
Something simple.
Better yet, I could follow the Night or chase a storm and find the desolate places to walk.
Where no one is around, but the trace of their memories fill the place to the brim.
Which star would I go to?

I like to call home near the water. But sometimes the ocean seems so lonely.
Dry land is ok but my first love was a Mermaid.

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