Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Love (See you soon!)

Now, im about to leave Florida. Travel once again... in this state, when im in between worlds, the places begin to lose their solidity. Cities, streets, people, the earth - just dreams.
Not Nightmares like most people have.
Pretty dreams. Light, happy dreams. Knowing dreams.

My next destination is a middle ground, Philadelphia. Certainly there is something interesting there. I will be interesting, nonetheless. Then ill go to Canada. I'm nearly Canadian, nearly a cowboy.

I don't think America wants me. So many people here just want their glory, power, and life. No respect for the life of others. Success in this wretched place is the murder of a country. Success in this country is the murder of ones true self. Its horrible, and I remember now that that is why I left it. I think I will try for legal Canadianship now. Ill go make a fortune in Philadelphia and grab a ride to Canada and live there forever.

I've got two months to make a fortune.

Meditate, Meditate, Meditate.

i know you dont mean me...
but i think of you...
if that means to you...
sure it does! and i dont even know who you are!

This will help you.
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